Tag: Consciousness

Mind Meld 93 | Shadow Work with Dr. Michael Daine

For rewards and podcast extras, become a patron Dr. Michael Daine is a licensed Psychologist, former Assistant Director at the C.G. Jung Institute of Houston and a radio host. His philosophy and practice is a synthesis of myth, mysticism and modern medicine. LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER For our ancestors, mythological and existential context was well-defined and limited. It […]

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Mind Meld 90 | What Is The “That?” with Cory Allen

For rewards and podcast extras, become a patron Happy holidays, future-gods! Author, meditation instructor, binaural beat maestro and host of The Astral Hustle podcast, Cory Allen returns to the mind meld to help Michael make contact with his holy guardian angel. LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Good holy days to you, techno-tribe! For all those who happen to not be  believers in these particular […]

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Mind Meld 89 | Awakening a Limitless Process with Dada Nabhaniilananda

For rewards and podcast extras, including more with Dada, become a patron Dada Nabhaniilananda is a New Zealand-born Yogic monk of the Ananda Marga tradition. He has appeared on stage with the Dalai Lama, taught or performed in more than 40 countries and has spoken for TEDx, Facebook, Google and more. LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER “To claim a limited […]

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Mind Meld 86 | Engineering Disruption with Paul Austin

Third Wave founder, Paul Austin returns to the mind meld to chat microdosing, technology, the future, magic mushroom legalization, resurrecting the mystery school tradition and more! Michael riffs on fasting, Stoicism and Bitcoin. LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Support THIRD EYE DROPS and hear exclusive content on our Patreon page World-traveling, technodelic entrepreneur, speaker and seeker, Paul Austin has […]

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Mind Meld 85 | Memetic Invasion with Noah Lampert

Mindpod Network founder and Synchronicity podcast host, Noah Lampert enters the mind meld for an ego-blasting/ego-fattening chat. In which, the boys discuss the power existential disruption, the self-nuking exercise of parenthood, monetizing your bliss, the majesty of cryptocurrency and more. Also, Michael discovers the transcendent meme. LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Support THIRD EYE DROPS and hear exclusive […]

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Mind Meld 84 | Naming Your Demons with Psychological Mystic, Erick Godsey

Join cognitive psychology-based therapist and self-spelunking mystic, Erick Godsey and I (I’d peg him as a cocktail of Carl Jung, Robert Anton Wilson, George Carlin and early Syphilis-era Nietzsche) as we dissect the neurosis of the western mind, excavating your ideal self, the bottomline shared by all mystical traditions and more. Catch his podcast, Metprogramming here. […]

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Mind Meld 82 | Scrubbing Your Soul with Greg Marcus

Greg Marcus holds a Ph.D. in biology from MIT and worked in the genomics industry for a decade until an existential epiphany altered the course of his life drastically, turning him into a full-time seeker and author. His latest book, The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions is available now. LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Get exclusive rewards and content […]

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Mind Meld 81 | Conflict Purification with Cory Allen

Author, meditation instructor, musician, host of The Astral Hustle podcast and good pal, Cory Allen returns to the mind meld to help Michael conduct a conversational purification ritual. LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Get exclusive rewards and content and support THIRD EYE DROPS on Patreon! There’s a lot of tensing up happening out there and I understand why. Every time you […]

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