Mind Meld 30 | I Believe in a Laughing God with Daniele Bolelli

Daniele Bolelli is an writer, martial artist, university professor, and podcaster. He is the author of several books including Create Your Own Religion and Not Afraid
One of the hallmarks of our time is the tension stemming from the tug of war between raw information and our attempt to funnel it into a worldview. Our inherited ideas, religions, political affiliations and flags.
Of course, none of them fully cut it. How could they? They predate the mass of data and stimulation that has become the stuff of everyday life.
So we’re really left with two choices- isolate ourselves in an echo chamber of like-minded thinkers and information where our philosophies won’t be challenged (a tactic that seems to be more popular than ever), or we can sacrifice some sacred cows. We can actively create a more nuanced, adaptable philosophical scaffolding that’s suited to the ever-intensifying blasts of information that have become the norm.
This actually feeds right into the central theme of our conversation and guest, Daniele Bolelli’s book, Create Your Own Religion, a task that we should all be embracing.