Mind Meld 187 | The Dream of Life with Justin Boreta

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Best known for his work with The Glitch Mob, Justin Boreta is an electronic music producer and wonder-seeker.
Justin returns the mind meld to riff about his latest ambient project featuring Alan Watts, the medicinal value of laughter, the mind-altering power of sound and more.
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Justin Boreta is about as sparkly as they come. His output as of late is really blossoming into something spectacular. Justin’s new ambient piece, Dream, which features one of my all-time favorite Alan Watts talks, is really something.
Every time I hear that talk I get choked up. My vagus nerve gets the quivers. Still, Boreta managed to elevate it even more.
If you don’t know, Boreta is most well-known as one-third of the glorious Glitch Mob. He’s also got a couple of other projects—
29 palms and the previously eluded to Superposition, which features collaborations with Alan Watts and Ram Dass.
This one was an absolute flow state. It totally flew by. That said, I know we rapped about–
- Alan Watts and why his spirit seems to not only endure but grow
- Why laughter is sacred
- How music and sound alter your consciousness,
- Justin’s ayahuasca nightmare/blessing
Catch the Glitch Mob on tour. Follow Justin on Instagram.
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