Tag: Philosophy

Mind Meld 62 | The Great Revelation with Jennifer Sodini

Jennifer Sodini is a will wielder, writer and founder of Evolve and Ascend, a fast-growing media vessel steeped in esoterica, psychedelia and novelty. LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Support THIRD EYE DROPS and get rewards on PATREON You don’t have an epiphany by knowing something. In fact, knowing is the enemy of epiphanies. The very reason epiphanies […]

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Mind Meld 60 | There’s No Such Thing As Chaos with Cory Allen

Cory Allen is a meditation instructor, musician and host of the Astral Hustle podcast.  LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Support Third Eye Drops and get rewards on Patreon! As anyone who’s done a bit of meditating knows, getting a glimpse of stillness and serenity isn’t that difficult. It’s knowing what to do with it, connecting with it and […]

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The Vicious Beauty of Impermanence

Michael unpacks the role of impermanence in existence and his own heartbreak.  LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Find out how to crowd sponsor these mind melds and receive rewards on Patreon “As the earth sustains the atmosphere and outer space accommodates the stars, galaxies, and all the rest, we are willing to carry the burdens of the […]

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Mind Meld 58 | Microdosing the Future with Michael Garfield

Writer, speaker, musician and visionary artist, Michael Garfield returns for another technodelic tete a tete! LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Find out how to crowd sponsor these mind melds and receive rewards on Patreon We’ve got some priorities to get straight before we hit the era of on-demand hyper pleasure. If we don’t, we’ll be tweeting orgasms […]

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Mind Meld 57 | Interconnected Separateness with Amanda Sage

Visionary artist Amanda Sage joins the mind meld! LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER Find out how to crowd sponsor these mind melds and receive rewards on Patreon We’re distinct beings. We host unique inner-worlds, appearances, preoccupations, genetics and free will. Yet we’re all comprised of the very same starstuff. The same carbon, oxygen nitrogen and hydrogen. Even that fact, […]

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Mind Meld 54 | Creativity Paradox with Autumn Skye Morrison

World-traveling visionary artist and creativity sage, Autumn Skye Morrison joins the mind meld! LISTEN | ITUNES YOUTUBE ARCHIVE STITCHER SUPPORT THIRD EYE DROPS and GET REWARDS on PATREON! As I was was conjuring these words, I started contemplating creativity. Not creativity in a modern context, but what it is in its purest distillation. Something approaching the way our […]

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