Mind Meld 148 | STAINING THE FUTURE with Ramin Nazer

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Ramin Nazer is a comedian, artist and the host of the Rainbow Brain Skull Hour podcast.
Ramin returns to the mind meld to chat about the limits of science, why the creative path is always a zigzag, the magic of journaling and why people are always talking themselves out of success. Hear Michael’s appearance on Ramin’s show here.
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Sharing good ideas is one of the most incredible things a person can do.
When you pass along a good idea, you aid in the emergence of something new. You’re serving as a midwife for evolution. By sharing the right idea, you may literally initiate the sort of metamorphosizing ripple effect that alters the human mind collectively forever.
Sounds ostentatious, I know, but it’s happened before. It’s the reason you know the names Einstein, Socrates, Jesus and Buddha.
Check out Ramin’s first manifestation on Third Eye Drops here.
The good news is we don’t have to set our aspirations quite that high because we’re all doing it. We’re all collectively contributing to that aforementioned psychic ripple, however incrementally.
I suppose that notion highlights how discerning we should be when it comes to what we skeet into the discourse (I should probably take my own advice on that because I say some pretty preposterous shit on this show sometimes).
Anyway, we have got a real evolution engineer here on the show with us this week, my friend Ramin Nazer.
Ramin and I have been riffing a lot lately. I partook in a two hour plus chat with him on his show, the rainbow brain skull hour. Ramin also creates technodelic art blasts that are uniquely hilarious and insightful. He’s also a wonderfully funny comedian with a really quick, sharp, original mind.
With that, do the necessary keyboard mudras to check out what his mind is doing here.