Mind Meld 156 | Colin Frangicetto and Sarah Zucker | Holding on to Wonder

Michael, Sarah, and Colin convene for a live mind meld in LA! The gang talks about the challenge of integration, the nature of pure wisdom, the beauty of fellowship and more!
Sarah Zucker is a writer and multidisciplinary artist. Her work has appeared on MTV, AMC, Super Deluxe and more.
Colin Frangicetto is a musician, artist and consciousness explorer most well-known for playing in the band Circa Survive.
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I know not much for certain but I do know this– If you have an opportunity to be in physical space with, share real air with, exchange molecules with, entangle electromagnetic fields with other wriggling monads of earnest exploration, do it. Do it as often as possible.
Despite the fact that I host this show and that it’s a huge part of my life, I don’t actually spend that much time with folks in analog space in the spirit of these topics. The vast majority of my interactions of this nature are digital. I’m certainly grateful for them, but there’s no comparing the two.
That’s a fact that’s really fresh on my mind right now because, as I’ve mentioned over the last couple of mind melds, I recently took a jaunt to L.A. to host a panel at WITMA. It was lovely, but I also got to partake in non-stop several-day hang with some truly exemplary souls (some of whom you might be familiar with from the show)– Colin Frangicetto, Jenn Sodini, Matt Xian and Ramin Nazer. It was a truly tremendous time that left a mark on me, the whole affair was dipped in so much positivity that I think it started to rewire my neurons.
So, my friends, at a minimum, find a few folks you can do the same with. Take refuge in them as much as possible. Talk to them, laugh with them, hug them and hang with them as much as possible. That sort of fellowship is, without a doubt, one of the most precious pearls of the human condition.
Included within the span of those legendary hangs was this legendary conversation with Colin and Sarah. We recorded this at the event, so it definitely has a live vibe. I actually quite like it, I hope you do too.