Shadow Work, Projection, and Meaning-Making with Dr. Kile Ortigo | Mind Meld 248

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Dr. Kile Ortigo is a psychologist and author of the upcoming book Beyond the Narrow Life: A Guide for Psychedelic Integration and Existential Exploration.
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We riff on shadow work, multidisciplinary meaning-making, psychedelic therapy, the art and science of integration, and the mystery of the mind at large.
Anytime I come away from these conversations with a new precious idea, a deepened insight, or even a simplification of a once-murky topic, I feel like we’ve done something right. That and, selfishly, I get to leave feeling like I’ve smuggled a little jewel, pilfered a novelty nugget that yields a bit of existential wealth and perspective.
With respect to this one, the way Kile talks about the ever-interesting rabbit hole of shadow work is refreshingly clear and potent. I say that because that topic, as much as I love it, tends to be wrapped in an inordinate amount of esoteric goo. A goo I admittedly lube my wonder whiskers with at basically every opportunity. That said, that romantic mythological viscosity does sometimes muddy shadow work’s true utility. Anyway, much more on that in the pod
Our guest on this one, psychologist Kile Ortigo has an intriguing book coming out via Synergetic Press— Beyond the Narrow Life: A Guide For Psychedelic Integration and Existential Exploration. You can preorder it here.
In this one, we riff about just that — Psychedelic therapy, an authentic, down-to-earth search for meaning, and the field of psychology at large. This one really heats up as it goes so be sure to listen all the way through!
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