Mind Meld 236 | New Year, New Ethos with Erick Godsey

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Autodidactic mythologist, psychology extraordinaire, and Myths That Make Us host, Erick Godsey returns to the mind meld to riff about the importance of defining a personal ethos, alchemical psychology, the vital lessons of 2020, and more!


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We all want 2021 to be the year that last year wasn’t. We all want to evolve, improve, and make our goals a reality. But, let’s not fool ourselves— There will always be threshold guardians lurking out there. They’ll always pounce at a time we can’t possibly anticipate. 2020 showed us that in spades.

To that point, we need to be ready. We must not only have a clear map, but be prepared to grapple with our psychic gremlins at all times. One of the ways I’m endeavoring to keep my map clean and my mind battle-ready is by stating an ethos. Specifically, I’ve boiled down this year into a goal consisting of, a few key words.

If you’d like to give it a go yourself, that’s step one– Select one to five words that will serve as your ethos for the coming year.

Next, define, in writing, how those words will play out. This can just be an idealization, a scenario that may not perfectly come to pass. Still, in stating it, you orient yourself and define your trajectory.

Then, on a daily basis do a quick journaling check-in. More specifically — What is it that you’re going to do today to venerate your ethos words? Let’s say you chose health as your word– What are you going to do today to celebrate your health?

I like it because all though it’s simple, it satisfies both our high-level, conceptual romantic minds and our detail-oriented, rubber-meets-road side.

Anyway, these are in part the sort of riffs Godsey and I get into in this mind-meld. Of course, this being a new year episode, we also wax about what the past year has taught us and what we’re trying to carry into 2021 as well as some classic T.E.D psychedelic, esoteric, prognosticatory flow.

We’ve also got another, highly nutritious 30 minutes with Godsey over on Patreon. Do dive in!

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