Mind Meld 186 | When Plants Dream with Sophia Rokhlin

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Sophia Rokhlin is the co-author of When Plants Dream: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Shamanism and the Global Psychedelic Renaissance.
You can also catch her on the Head Talks tour with our friend Shane Mauss.
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We’ve got a tectonically tremendous technodelic tête-à-tête with someone I was truly impressed with — Sophia Rokhlin
Sophia really does the work. She spends most of the year living outside of Iquitos Peru directing the sustainable ayahuasca cultivation program at The Temple of the Way of Light. As you’ll see, she’s hugely knowledgable about the anthropological aspects of Amazonian shamanism as well as the visionary experience itself.
Anyway, it’s safe to say she’ll be back for more mind melds. In the meantime, peruse her website, read her book and catch her on the Head Talks tour with our friend Shane Mauss.
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