Mind Meld 166 | Dr. Dan Engle & Dr. Joshua Flowers | Life Comes With Wounds

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Dr. Dan Engle and Dr. Joshua Flowers enter the mind meld!
We chat depression, psychedelic medicine, aging, why wellness goes beyond the physical and more.
Dr. Dan Engle is a psychiatrist with a clinical practice that combines aspects of regenerative medicine, psychedelic research, integrative spirituality, and peak performance.
He’s also lived in the jungle with Ayahuasca shamans and pushed his consciousness to its limits countless times.
Dr. Joshua Flowers is the owner and founder of Revive Treatment Centers, a neurological rehabilitation center which focuses on Traumatic Brain Injuries, Neurodegeneration, Developmental Delay, Autoimmune disorders and more.
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It sounds incredibly goopy to say this, but I’ll let it rip– Everyone has healing to do.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t consider myself particularly afflicted in any way. If anything, I’m incredibly fortunate. Still, I know there are parts of me (physically and mentally) that require exploring, defining, mapping, strengthening, whatever.
Though we don’t typically equate this sort of personal sculpting with healing, it absolutely is. No, there’s no blood spraying out of such wounds, but not all maladies stem from falling eyeball-first into a garden gnome’s hat or something. Most aches we carry start somewhere much earlier. Of course, they might not even be physical at all.
My point is, Dr. Joshua Flowers and Dan Engle understand this. They’re doing the extremely challenging work that that understanding implies– Helping people heal on all levels, the physical, the neurological and the spiritual using the most pulsatingly potent tools available.
Social Media:
Facebook.com/revivecenters | Instagram: @Revivecenters| Twitter: @Revivecenters
Facebook.com/drdanengle | Instagram: @drdanengle | Twitter: @drdanengle