Tag: Platonism

Hidden Consciousness & The Living Patterns That Shape Reality | Michael Levin & Matthew Segall | Mind Meld 424

Dr. Michael Levin is a developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University where he’s the Vannevar Bush Distinguished Professor. His groundbreaking research on bioelectricity, morphogenesis, and cognition is reshaping our understanding of how living systems self-organize and regenerate. He explores how cells and tissues communicate through bioelectrical signals…

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Synchronicity, Archetypes and the Sacred Philosophy of the Future | Richard Tarnas | Mind Meld 399

Professor, philosopher and best-selling author, Richard Tarnas Ph.D returns mind meld! Richard is the author of Passion of the Western Mind and Cosmos and Psyche. He served as program director at the iconic Esalen Institute for a decade where he rubbed shoulders with great minds like Joesph Campbell, Terence McKenna, Ram Dass, Alan Watts, James Hillman, Stan Grof, and many more. Tarnas has an encyclopedic knowledge of history, philosophy, and spiritual traditions. In this one, we continue our conversation about the crucial role of Platonism, Jung, depth psychology and the romantics in sense-making. Grappling with the modern meaning crisis, developing a felt sense of the sacred, the importance of initiation and altered states, the need for archetypal fluency, synchronicity, and much more.

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The Forbidden Ancient Wisdom of the Gnostics, Escaping Plato’s Cave & Carl Jung with Bob Peck | Mind Meld 386

Author, Bob Peck returns to the mind meld to explore the highly suppressed, even persecuted wisdom of the so-called Gnostics. What was their philosophy and metaphysical outlook? Who are the movement’s major figures? Why did religious authorities attempt to destroy any trace of their existence? What wisdom do they still have to offer us today? Why was Carl Jung so fascinated by…

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Lost Ancient Wisdom, Consciousness, Carl Jung & Plato | Bruce MacLennan, PhD | Mind Meld 361

Bruce J. MacLennan, Ph.D. enters the mind meld!
In this brain-melting transmission, we talk consciousness, the link between Carl Jung and hidden ancient wisdom, platonism, why the platonic realm of forms is logically inescapable, the mysterious esoteric practice known to the ancient Greeks as “theurgy,” why ancient philosophy is more important than ever, and much more.

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