Mind Meld 230 | Living In the Cosmic Joke with Ramin Nazer

Ramin Nazer

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Artist and comedian, Ramin Nazer returns to the mind meld for a sprawling mercurial wonder-dip. In this one we riff about the wisdom of the trickster, the whispers of your daemon, being the butt of the cosmic joke, and why Prince is superior to Michael Jackson.


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The trickster is at play. Whether it’s exclusive to the realm of human psychology or it extends to an unseen metaphysical reality, it’s here.

One of my favorite ways that archetype expresses itself is through the vessel of mercurial artists and creatives, particularly comedians. Ramin Nazer is, without a doubt, one of them.

In addition to being a very funny and original joke-slinger, Ramin is an artist that manages to do something truly unique. He pirouettes effortlessly on the line between the absurd and profound. If you follow him on social media, you know what I’m talking about. Ramin publishes daily technodelic novelty blasts. One-panel comics that feature a combination of amusing images and profound bits of text. 

Also, Ramin has an incredibly mercurial mind. He’s always filled to the brim with wonder and eager muse about new ideas. It always makes for a perfectly lubed pod. 

Speaking of, traverse this portal to check out Ramin’s podcast, art, and more.