Mind Meld 68 | Dr. Neal Goldsmith – Pray To the Tree Before You Chop It Down

Dr. Neal Goldsmith is a Psychologist and the author of Psychedelic Healing – The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development. In his practice, he specializes in psychospiritual development.
Why does the hunter bless the deer before he lets his arrow fly? Why is it that so many people say grace before a meal? Why is it that Native Americans would say a prayer to a tree before before cutting it down?
Metaphysical conjecture aside, these rituals, without a doubt, impact the psychology of the person behind them profoundly.
Perfect example, a couple of days back, I was trying to go a day without saying anything negative. No complaining at all. I found that in decreeing that, I was putting my negativity under a microscope. Because of that, when I did slip up, it felt powerful. It felt as though my bellyaching had some sort of radioactive potential that I needed to keep contained.
I’m not sure what to call this phenomenon. Maybe it’s a sacred reframing of the mundane or something. Or perhaps it’s just another form of mindfulness where you’re laying a little psychic condiment of scrutiny on the ham sandwich of your actions. Whatever it is, it’s a powerful little flavor enhancer that’s sure to spice up your reality tunnel, especially if you use it constructively.
Musings in this mind meld include –
Why the psyche and the soul are one in the same
Letting go of old wounds and conditioning
The power of “the presence of the past in the present”
Is humanity experiencing existential growing pains?
The resacrilization of science and nature and Rupert Sheldrake
The power of making things and your actions scared again
Dualism and the integration of the other
The “Borgification” of humanity is already happening and it’s natural
Why fearing the other doesn’t serve us
“The cartography of consciousness”
Panpsychism, Pantheism, Atheism and other theisms
Why is there anything versus nothing and the universe as an amoeba
Our innate preference for the natural
Is a city any less natural as a tree?
Do psychedelics do more harm than good without the proper context?
How MDMA heals trauma
It takes a very self aware fish to know it’s in the ocean
Pandora’s box and our continuous need to push the envelope
Humanity, evolution, networks cooperation, coopetition
The upward teleological pull and the wholistic maturation humanity is experiencing