Mind Meld 41 | Esoteric Therapy with the White Witch of L.A., Maja D’Aoust

Maja D’Aoust is a purveyor of the arcane, an esoteric personal trainer to many and a blaster of good vibes.
This mind meld is actually from my bag of greatest hits. It features the ever wise and sweet Maja D’Aoust, a woman known around Los Angeles and beyond as the “the white witch of L.A.” What does that mean? I would say she’s a sort of esoteric personal trainer, spiritual therapist and overall good vibe blaster. On top of that, Maja is most definitely woke and well-informed in the realms of gnosticism, esotericism, divination and a lot of other areas that are fun to dip your curiosity tendrils into.
Musings in this mind meld include –
- Resolutions and forgiving yourself
- Led Zeppelin and the occult
- The phenomenon of synchronicity and Carl Jung
- The Importance of myth
- Is magic real? What is it?
- What does it mean to be a witch?
- Divination, The I Ching and a live experiment