Mind Meld 145 | Adrift In the Infinite Thought with Matt Xian

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Matt Xian is the Creative Director and founder of TIMEWHEEL, a record label, website, and artistic platform. He also creates music in the vibey sea of sound known as Something Fiction.
In this mind meld, we chat about the possibility of reality being like a thought, why art is a form of truth and more.
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One of the very first people to reach out and say “hey, I like the flavor of your wonder venison, let me help you distribute it” was Matt Xian of Timewheel.
Although I was full of piss and vinegar and determined to make something of this media vessel, I didn’t have much of a following then. In other words, I didn’t have anything to offer Matt in return at the time. On the other hand, Matt’s platform already had hundreds of thousands of social media followers, numerous clients and quite a bit of success in general. So his interest meant a lot and I’ll always be grateful for it.
Nostalgic cheese dippin’ aside, Matt has got a ton going on– As I mentioned, he heads the media platform Timewheel which is always releasing stupendous music and documentaries. For instance, they’re distributing From Shock to Awe which chronicles the story of veterans with PTSD being healed by psychedelic medicine. He’s also part of a musical project called Something Fiction which has new music out right now.