Esoteric Platonism and the Lost Wisdom of the Ancients with Dr. Gregory Shaw | Mind Meld 404

Philosopher, professor, and author, Dr. Gregory Shaw enters the mind meld!
Gregory Shaw is the author of Theurgy and the Soul the Neoplatonism of Iamblichus, and his latest work, Hellenic Tantra. He’s a world-renowned expert on Neoplatonism, particularly the mysterious philosopher-sage, Iamblichus of Chalcis. Unlike his Platonic predecessors (apparently), Iamblichus engaged heavily in ritual esoteric practices. The heart of said practices were mysterious rites known as “theurgy.” A Greek word that translates to something like “god-working.”
Though no one knows exactly what these practices were, there is a great deal we do know thanks to Iamblichus’ extant writings and scholars like Shaw.
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